Seth Jones, the Blackhawks defenseman, traded for forward Martin Necas?

Simone Tremblay
June 20, 2024  (12:11)

Martin Necas
Photo credit: Pro Hockey Rumors

Carolina Hurricanes eye major returns in potential Martin Necas trade.

Amid swirling trade rumors, the Carolina Hurricanes have made it clear: Martin Necas is not just another trade chip. As the draft in Las Vegas approaches, excitement builds around what Carolina aims to gain in exchange for their high-caliber forward.
According to insider sources, the team's preference leans away from accumulating draft picks and prospects. Instead, they're hunting for a significant player in return—a strategy confirmed by the distinguished hockey insiders Jeff Marek and Elliotte Friedman of 32TP.
« Friedman on 32TP: "Carolina is letting people know that they consider Necas a budding star and that's the kind of return they want...Star power is what they want in return, I heard" »

« Marek: "Okay, so we're not dealing with picks and prospects here" »

The revelation that Carolina seeks star power in exchange suggests a strategic pivot aimed at immediate impact rather than future potential. The Chicago Blackhawks, having passed several evaluations, seem poised as a viable candidate for Necas.
Insights suggest that defenseman Seth Jones could be the key figure moving the other way. Remember, Jones had voiced his disinterest in remaining part of a rebuilding squad early in the off-season. A transition to the Hurricanes would not only align with his career trajectory but also assist the Blackhawks in managing their salary cap.
Despite receiving several offers for Necas, the Hurricanes have yet to find one compelling enough to seal the deal. This scenario is anticipated to evolve rapidly, with potential breakthroughs expected next week at the draft.
« Word is the Hurricanes at this point in the process have received concrete trade offers for Martin Necas but nothing yet they would say yes to should continue to heat up next week at the draft in Las Vegas. »

Discussions around Necas' dissatisfaction under coach Rod Brind'Amour have added layers to the trade dynamics. Notably, Necas' father highlighted his son's underutilization, not featuring on the first line or power-play units, sparking the forward's desire for a new environment.
With Necas posting 53 points this season and a career-high 71 points the previous year, his departure would indeed leave big skates to fill.
The intriguing case of Martin Necas promises to add drama and potential reshuffling to the NHL landscape as teams convene in Las Vegas. With the draft impending, the hockey world watches closely, eager to see if a deal materializes that reshapes the contours of the involved franchises.
Source: Hockey Feed
Concrete trade offers on the table for Martin Necas!
20 JUIN   |   65 ANSWERS
Seth Jones, the Blackhawks defenseman, traded for forward Martin Necas?

Will the Blackhawks trade Seth Jones for Martin Necas?

Yes5584.6 %
No1015.4 %
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