NHL rookie shuns Gary Bettman: First-round pick opts out of handshake at draft

Simone Tremblay
June 30, 2024  (5:16 PM)

Justin Danford
Photo credit: Reddit

New Maple Leaf Ben Danford makes waves with Bettman snub at NHL draft.

In a moment that has the hockey world buzzing, the 31st overall pick of the NHL Draft, Ben Danford, delivered a notable snub to NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman during his introduction to the league.
Drafted by the Toronto Maple Leafs, who acquired the 31st pick from the Edmonton Oilers, the 6'1" defenseman from the OHL made a bold statement without uttering a single word.
As Danford moved through the customary handshake line, he conspicuously bypassed Bettman, choosing instead to greet only those directly involved in his selection.
This included Maple Leafs' GM Brad Treliving and Coach Craig Berube, emphasizing his appreciation for those who believed in his potential.
« Maple Leafs draft pick Ben Danford with the Gary Bettman handshake snub

He's gonna fit in just fine! »

This gesture did not go unnoticed by fans and critics alike, who viewed it as a silent protest against Bettman's controversial tenure as commissioner.
With over 30 years in the role, Bettman has become a polarizing figure, often criticized for his management decisions.
Danford's performance last season with the Oshawa Generals, where he tallied 33 points (1 goal, 32 assists) in 64 games, and his contribution of 10 points in 21 playoff games, already made him a notable figure in the OHL.
His unexpected early selection in the draft—projected by many to be a second or third-round pick—only adds to the intrigue surrounding him.
The incident has sparked a wave of reactions across social media platforms, with some fans cheering Danford's boldness:
« He just earned cool points from this Edmonton Oilers fan! Bettman screwed Canada again! Payback is coming! »

The young defenseman's actions speak volumes about his character and the type of player he aspires to be—unafraid to stand out and make his mark both on and off the ice.

If Danford continues to perform as he has, both on the ice and in moments like these, he's sure to become a favorite among Maple Leafs fans and a player to watch in the coming seasons.
30 JUIN   |   38 ANSWERS
NHL rookie shuns Gary Bettman: First-round pick opts out of handshake at draft

Do you think Justin Danford should have been selected 31st overall?

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