The winner of the Calder Trophy has just been announced by the NHL

Simone Tremblay
June 27, 2024  (7:45 PM)

Calder Trophy
Photo credit: Habsolument Fan

Exciting reveal: Chicago's own Connor Bedard clinches the 2024 calder trophy.

In a thrilling culmination to a season filled with anticipation and remarkable talent, the NHL has announced the winner of the 2024 Calder Trophy, recognizing the league's top rookie.
Chicago Blackhawks' sensation Connor Bedard has seized this prestigious award, outshining his fellow finalists in a competitive race.
The finalists for this year's accolade included Connor Bedard from the Chicago Blackhawks, Brock Faber of the Minnesota Wild, and Luke Hughes from the New Jersey Devils.
These outstanding rookies were chosen by the Professional Hockey Writers Association, setting the stage for an intense final showdown.
At just 18 years old, Bedard has not only lived up to but surpassed the high expectations set for him, finishing the season as the leading scorer among rookies with a stunning 61 points.
This is despite facing a challenging setback— a broken jaw that sidelined him for a portion of the season. His ability to overcome adversity and continue to excel on the ice truly set him apart.
Faber, aged 21, showcased his prowess by posting 47 points, a remarkable achievement for a defenseman, particularly in what many refer to as his 'rookie season.'
His performance was impressive and highlighted his skill and consistency throughout the season.
Hughes, also a defenseman and just 20 years old, matched Faber's 47 points and was instrumental in leading the defensive lineup for the New Jersey Devils.
His contribution to the team was significant, especially in pivotal games throughout the season.
The final announcement was eagerly awaited by fans and players alike, with Bedard emerging as the deserving recipient of the Calder Trophy.
His exceptional talent and resilience have not only earned him this award but also the affection and admiration of Blackhawks fans and hockey enthusiasts across the globe.
Chicago stands proudly behind Bedard as he continues to demonstrate why he was the right choice for this honor.
Congratulations, 'Bedsy,' on an outstanding rookie season and a well-earned trophy!
27 JUIN   |   74 ANSWERS
The winner of the Calder Trophy has just been announced by the NHL

Did the NHL make the right choice selecting this rookie as the Calder winner?

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