Hockey icon Wayne Gretzky caught in cyber scam

Simone Tremblay
August 24, 2024  (9:15 PM)

Wayne gretzky
Photo credit: The Desert Sun

NHL legends Gretzky and Crosby targeted by online scams.


In a disturbing trend affecting high-profile athletes, NHL greats Wayne Gretzky and Sidney Crosby have recently become the faces of fraudulent online advertisements.
These deceptive campaigns, prominently found on Elon Musk's social media platform "X", use sophisticated scam tactics to exploit public interest.
Both Gretzky and Crosby have fallen prey to scams that utilize their likenesses to lure unsuspecting fans into clicking on malicious ads.
In Gretzky's case, a shockingly misleading post depicted him handcuffed and in police custody, accompanied by a completely fabricated story about his arrest.
The alarming visual and headline were designed to drive clicks to a nonexistent scandal, leading to frustration and disappointment among fans who were duped into believing the false narrative.
This deceptive technique mirrors the unsettling experience Sidney Crosby encountered, where his image was misused in ads falsely claiming he faced legal issues and had retired due to involvement with performance-enhancing drugs-a product he allegedly endorsed.
The virality of such scams on platforms like "X" highlights the ongoing challenge of curbing misinformation and protecting user integrity online.
The persistence of these schemes can largely be attributed to their lucrative nature, as they drive significant revenue for unscrupulous sites by capitalizing on the massive following of celebrities and athletes.
The implications of these fraudulent activities extend beyond mere annoyance; they raise serious questions about the effectiveness of social media governance.
Critics have pointed fingers at Musk for allowing such misleading content to proliferate on "X", exacerbating concerns over his management capabilities and the platform's susceptibility to misuse.
As the prevalence of these scams grows, legal repercussions seem inevitable.
Both Gretzky and Crosby are reportedly gearing up for battles in court against the companies behind these deceptive practices, signaling a potentially significant shift towards greater accountability and legal safeguards in the digital arena.
This situation serves as a cautionary tale about the dark side of social media's reach and influence, prompting both public figures and users to navigate these platforms with heightened vigilance.